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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Coyotes eat crab

I introduced a new game for the kids tonight during practice, and it seemed like the Coyotes had fun playing!  The game is called "Crab", and the object is to get the kids to learn how to control the ball while dribbling past obstacles while running.

Assistant Coach Joseph was a great help in this game, as it was HE who had to be the crab.  Joseph assumed the Crab position (in an inverted crawl position) at center field.  Team Coyote was lined up on one goal, and when the whistle blew, they had to dribble the ball past the Crab and go the length of the field and score.  If the Crab managed to touch or kick one of the kids' balls as they dribbled past him, they had to also assume the crab position and go after any Coyote and their ball that came their way.  The more crabs there were on the field, the harder it was for the remaining Coyotes to navigate around them.  Eventually, Akil emerged as the only Coyote to avoid the crabs.  Good job Akil!  (I think some of the Coyotes purposley let the crabs get their balls so they could be crabs too! )  It was a fun game with a different twist that I think the kids enjoyed. Here is a picture of Coach Joseph after playing the crab game:

Who let the dogs out?

Overall, I think we had another good practice again tonight.  I had the kids scrimmage each other so we could work on "stepping in front" of a player with the ball to challenge him, and to work on emphasizing the "no pushing" command.  I think the kids responded quite well in both aspects.  Nick did a great job in "stepping in" and challenging for the ball, as did Kendal and Jack!  In fact, all of the kids seem to be attuned to hearing and following instructions, which makes my job lots easier!

A reminder that our game this Saturday is at 11:00, but we also have "Picture day", so we need to meet at the cameras at 10:00 so we have time to get our mug shots and make it to the game in time..

Here is our theme song for this week.  Be sure to get the "Woof woof" line down so we can give the camera man a good laugh on Saturday!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pack Attack!


Who let the dogs out? 
Team Coyote came to play today, and brought the "A" game.  In contrast to last week, when the Coyotes got off to a slow start, today they came out like a pack of hungry Coyotes, ready for action!

Cole took the opening kickoff and immediately dribbled downfield and scored, and the Coyotes were off and running.  Literally.  Up and down the field.  They didn't let up until the final whistle blew.  Needless to say, this coach is proud of the team.

It was a performance that featured teamwork, with all Coyotes delivering when called upon, in any task asked of them.  Everyone should be proud of themselves tonight.  You played Great!

Along with Cole, Akil and Logan also put the ball in the net today.  And, not to be outdone, Rebekah scored her first goal of the season!  Way to go Coyotes!  (Coyote Howl)

Nick, Jack, and Kendal did some beautiful throw-ins to set up several goals, and Kendal and Nick had a couple of solid corner kicks, putting the ball in scoring position for the Pack. 

Every Coyote on the team got their foot on the ball today, challenged for the ball, and played some Coyote Tough defense, keeping the other team out of the goal.  The result:  Coyotes 10 Purple Guys 6.  (BIG Coyote Howl ).

Some things we can work on:

 I could sense at times (and this Coyote has honed senses) a little frustration coming from a couple of players when the other team won the ball in a challenge, and took the ball away from one of our guys.  That is going to happen, Coyotes!  Don't get discouraged and frustrated when someone takes the ball away from you and perhaps even dribbles down and scores on you.  It is ok!  Just jump right back in there and keep on playing hard (which you all did!).  If you let your frustrations get to you, the other team is going to capitalize and turn the momentum to their side. 

There were a couple of times, in the heat of battle, that we tended to use our arms and push a little.  Remember, Coyotes....we need to keep our hands and arms to ourselves.  You can challenge for the ball using your body and feet, but not your arms.  We don't want to accidently get someone hurt, or get ourselves hurt by being pushed down.  Overall, though, our guys just played good, solid, Coyote Tough defense.  Good Job!

Other Notes

Jonas was unable to be with the team today, as he was out of town.  We missed him and look forward to his return next Saturday.  Akil will be out of town next week, and we will surely miss him too. 

Don't forget that next week is Picture day!  We will need to show up an hour before our game next week to get our Team Photo made.  I will remind you at practice this week, and again by email later in the week.  If you are going to be out of town, or cannot be here, please let me know.  They will have a "make up" photo day (probably the week after), and your Coyote can get his picture taken then.  I am told that they can Photo Shop the make-up photos into the Team Photo, so no one will be left out of the Team Photo.  So, be sure to brush your teeth good next Saturday morning, Coyotes!  We want to show our fangs to the photographer when we all smile and howl!

One more time:  Coyote Howl for the great team effort and performance today!  You guys played GREAT!  I am very proud of all of you!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pack Drills for the Den

I think we had a good practice tonight.  It was great to see Jack get his foot on the ball and dribble, challenge, and shoot!  The drills we did tonight were designed to get the kids to learn to follow coaching commands, to begin learning some ball control, and to start learning to challenge for the ball.

I think the kids did a great job in all of those aspects!  Just remember, Coyotes, when the other team has the ball, and are dribbling down the field, step in front of them, challenge them, and win the ball so YOU can dribble down the field to YOUR goal and score.  Great job tonight.  Give yourselves a Coyote Howl for your effort.

Parents, one of the things that keeps a Coyote quick and nimble in the wilds is LOTS of practice! Here are a couple of drills that we worked on tonight in practice that you can do with your young Coyote around the den...er...let's clarify that: OUTSIDE of the den this week.

The more they practice, the better and faster their skills will develop.

Turn Around

Have the Coyote dribble the ball down the field. The parent yells "Stop!". The Coyote stops (with the ball), and the parent says "Turn around". The player turns around and runs down the field the opposite direction with the ball until the parent yells "Stop! Turn around!". Repeat as long as you can keep the child focused on the task. This teaches the player to listen to coaching commands and "turn it around" to go the right way in a game situation.

Simon Says

Everyone knows how to play this simple game, which is easily translated into a soccer exercise. The first time you play Simon Says, do it without a soccer ball. Call out simple, but crazy and fun commands such as "Stand up! Sit down! Stand on one leg! Yelp like a Coyote! Louder! etc., mixing them up with ones that "Simon says" and others that don't.

Once the coyotes get the hang of it, play the game with a ball. Now you can use commands like "dribble your ball, dribble slow, dribble fast, stop the ball with your feet (or knee or forehead etc) Get creative and have fun!

As the season progresses, I will post more drills and games to help the kids develop skills and learn the fundamentals of the game.

Again, great job tonight in practice! 

Go Coyotes!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Coyotes on the Prowl

The first game of the season was played this past Saturday, and I was quite pleased with the performance of our kids!  They got down early, but did not quit or give up.  Like a true pack of coyotes, they kept on the prowl, and made a spectacular comeback in the 2nd half of the game.

Nick was the first Coyote to put a goal on the board (Coyote Howl for Nick).  The other team was penalized for a "hand ball" in the goalie box, and Rebekah was called upon to deliver the penalty kick.  Her kicked was blocked, but again, the other team picked up the ball and the Coyotes were awarded another penalty kick.  This time, Nick was called upon to deliver the kick for Team Coyote.  He reared back, and let loose with a beautiful kick to the corner of the goal, scoring the first goal of the season.

The first half came to a close, with the Coyotes trailing by 6 goals (7-1).  The second half began with Kendal, Rebekah, Cole, and Akil taking the field.  It was midway through the 3rd quarter when Cole found his stride and began to challenge the other team and win the ball.  Then, he took control and dribbled downfield and began scoring unanswered goals (Coyote Howl for Cole).

Akil joined in by winning the ball dribbling downfield, and scoring 2 or three more goals in the fourth quarter (Coyote Howl for Akil).  When the dust had settled, and the final whistle blew, the Coyotes emerged on top by 2 (by my count...and when you are the Big Coyote, your count is the one that matters, afterall 8-) ).

Although they did not score any goals, a big Coyote Howl goes out to the rest of Team Coyote..Rebekah, Kendal, Jonas, and Jack.  Each player contributed to the effort by challenging for the ball, passing the ball , and doing some great throw-ins! 

A note of significance:  I was informed today that we have a new Coyote on the team.  Let's give a Coyote Howl and a welcome to our newest player, Logan!  We are glad that you are on our team!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Welcome to the Team Coyote Blog Spot!

This blog is dedicated to the NYSA Coyotes.  It will feature game notes, team announcements, player kudos, coaching comments, soccer tips, scheduling notes, tidbits, and more.

The goal of Coyote soccer is to have fun learning to play the game, to teach teamwork and good sportsmanship, and to develop skills that will help the players advance to the next level of play.

I am privileged and honored to be able to coach your kids, and I hope to make this year an exciting one for them to remember.  My philosophy of coaching at this level is simple:  Let the kids have fun! 

Be sure to come back and visit this page often, as updates will be added as soon as possible.

Have fun....and.....


Coach Art