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Thursday, March 31, 2011

How Coyote Came About His Powers

Every once in awhile, I like to look at some of the Native American legends and tales of the Coyote.  To Native Americans, the Coyote was known as a "Trickster", and could assume many forms.  He could be Old Man Coyote among the Crow Indians, a Raven in the lore of some of the North Western Indian tribes, or the creator of the animal world in other tales.  The Trickster alternately scandalizes, disgusts, amuses, disrupts, humiliates (or is often humiliated) in the tales of the Native Americans.

Below, is a tale of the Trickster Coyote as told by the Okanogan Indian tribe.  The Okanogans lived in what is today the state of Washington and the Northwestern United States, and in British Columbia in Canada.

Without further ado, here is the story of how Coyote came about his powers.  Enjoy!

How Coyote Came About His Powers

The Great Spirit called all his people together from all over the earth. There was to be a change. He would give names to the people, and the Animal World was to rule.

The naming was to begin at the break of day, each one having the right to choose his or her name according to who came first to the Spirit Chief's lodge. The Spirit Chief would also give each one their duty to perform in the changed conditions.

It was the night before the New World. Excitement was among the people. Each one desired a great name of note. All wished to be awake and first at the lodge of the Great Spirit Chief. Everyone wanted power to rule some tribe, some kingdom of the Animal World.

Coyote was of a degraded nature, a vulgar type of life. He was an imitator of everything that he saw or heard. When he asked a question, when he asked for information and it was given him, he would always say, "I knew that before! I did not have to be told." That was Coyote's way. He was hated by all the people for his ways. No one liked him. He boasted too much about his wisdom. 

 Coyote went among the anxious people, bragging to everyone how early he was going to rise, how he would be the first one at the Spirit Chief's lodge. He bragged of the great name he would choose. He said, "I will have three big names to select from: there is Grizzly Bear, who will be ruler over all running, four-footed animals; Eagle, who will lead all the flying birds; Salmon, who will be chief over all the fish of every kind."

Coyote's twin brother, who took the name of Fox, said to him, "Do not be too sure. Maybe no one will be given his choice of names. Maybe you will have to retain your own name, Coyote. Because it is a degraded name, no one among the tribes will want to take it.

Coyote's wife: Mole
 Coyote went to his tepee in anger. He determined not to sleep that night. He would remain awake so as to be the first at the Spirit Chief's lodge for the name he wanted. . . . Coyote's wife (afterwards Mole), sat on her feet at the side of the doorway. She looked up at Coyote and said in a disappointed tone, "Have you no food for the children? They are starving! I can find no roots to dig."

"Eh-ha!" grunted Coyote sarcastically. He answered his wife, "I am no common person to be spoken to in that fashion by a mere woman. Do you know that I am going to be a great Chief at daybreak tomorrow? I shall be Grizzly Bear. I will devour my enemies with ease. I will take other men's wives. I will need you no longer. You are growing too old, too ugly to be the wife of a great warrior, of a big Chief as I will be."

Coyote sleeps
Coyote ordered his wife to gather plenty of wood for the tepee fire where he would sit without sleep all night. Half of the night passed; Coyote grew sleepy. His eyes would close however hard he tried to keep them open. Then he thought what to do. He took two small sticks and braced his eyelids apart. He must not sleep! But before Coyote knew it, he was fast asleep.

 He was awakened by his wife, Mole, when she returned from the Spirit Chief's lodge, when the sun was high in the morning sky.

Coyote jumped up from where he lay. He hurried to the lodge of the Chief Spirit. Nobody was there, and Coyote thought that he was first. . . . He went into the lodge and spoke, "I am going to be Grizzly Bear!"
The Chief answered, "Grizzly Bear was taken at daybreak!"
Coyote said, "Then I shall be called Eagle!"
The Chief answered Coyote, "Eagle has chosen his name. He flew away long ago."
Coyote then said, "I think that I will be called Salmon."
The Spirit Chief informed Coyote, "Salmon has also been taken. All the names have been used except your own: Coyote. No one wished to steal your name from you."

Great Spirit Chief
 Poor Coyote's knees grew weak. He sank down by the fire in that great tepee. The heart of the Spirit Chief was touched when he saw the lowered head of Coyote, the mischief-maker.

After a silence the Chief spoke, "You are Coyote! You are the hated among all the tribes, among all the people. I have chosen you from among all others to make you sleep, to go to the land of the dream visions. I make a purpose for you, a big work for you to do before another change comes to the people. You are to be father for all the tribes, for all the new kind of people who are to come. Because you are so hated, degraded and despised, you will be known as the Trick-person. You will have power to change yourself into anything, any object you wish when in danger or distress. There are man-eating monsters on the earth who are destroying the people. The tribes cannot increase and grow as I wish. These monsters must all be vanquished before the new people come. This is your work to do. I give you powers to kill these monsters. I have given your twin brother, Fox, power to help you, to restore you to life should you be killed. Your bones may be scattered; but if there is one hair left on your body, Fox can bring you back to life. Now go, despised Coyote! Begin the work laid out for your trail. Do good for the benefit of your people."

Thus, Coyote of the Animal People was sent about the earth to fight and destroy the people-devouring monsters, to prepare the land for the coming of the new people, the Indians.

Coyote's Eyes grow slant
  Coyote' eyes grew slant from the effects of the sticks with which he braced them open that night when waiting for the dawn of the name giving day.

 From this, the Indians have inherited their slightly slant eyes as descendants from Coyote.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hot Coyotes Sizzle on a Cold Day.

Coyote in the Cold
On a cold, overcast day at Heartland fields, with rain threatening to move in, Team Coyote took to the fields scorching hot! 

"I think it is one of two things", Coach Art commented after the game, "Either it is the natural fur coat that Coyotes have, or the fact that all that running up and down the field keeps the 'Yotes toasty warm while they are playing."

Once again, the team came our ready and eager to play.  The cold did not seem to affect their performance at all.  It took a couple of minutes, and some defensive play, but the Coyotes finally got the first goal of the game midway through the first quarter.  It was academic from that point forward, and when the final whistle blew, Team Coyote racked up it's 2nd win in a row by a score of 7-2!!

The team looked sharp as they defended their goal and won the ball from the other team several times.  It appeared as if some of the passing drills we worked on in practice last week began to have an effect, as Akil and Cole combined on several passes leading to scores.

Coyote Call for Kendal, Rebekah and Devin

Coyote Kendal got her first ever goal yesterday!  (That deserves a Coyote Call  here!)  GREAT JOB Kendal!  Her play has drastically improved since last Fall, and she has become more aggressive on the field this Spring.  It paid off for her yesterday, as she won the ball from an opposing player near her own goal and did a beautiful kick into the corner of the net.

Also finding the net for the first time this season were Rebekah and Devin! Can we get another Coyote Call here?  Great job!  In fact, All the kids played their little hearts out and deserve kudos for a job well done.  Nick came very close to scoring his first goal...he took a great shot, but it hit the post and bounce wide!  Keep it up, Nick...I promise you, ONE of those shots (and many more) is going to find the target!

Gavin, Nick, Cole, and Akil did an outstanding job in defending the goal and breaking up the other team's breakaways!  Devin hustled down field every play and was involved in challenging for the ball constantly.  Keep it up 'Yotes!

Jonas was unable to be with the team yesterday, as he was back at the den sipping warm cactus juice and nibbling on stewed rabbit trying to get over a bad cold.  We missed him and hope he is feeling better and look forward to seeing him next time.

And now, another adventure of Wiley E. Coyote and that pesky Roadrunner.  Enjoy!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Coyotes Come Out Hungry

Update:  It has been brought to my attention that this post contains an error on my part.  It seems that I confused our new players up and gave credit to Devin for scoring yesterday, when in fact, it was Gavin who was on the field scoring at will.  My sincere apologies for the error.  We will be meeting Devin this week..and it was indeed Gavin who was on the field with Team Coyote yesterday.

It seems that I will now have to add a 3rd rule to the Team:  Rule 1:  Have fun.  Rule 2:  Good Sportsmanship.  Rule 3:  Don't confuse the Old Coyote!!!

The appropriate corrections have been made in the text below.  My apologies to Gavin..and my congrats for a game well played.  To Devin...we await your presence this coming week....if you think I am confused now.......

Team Coyote came out of winter hibernation hungry and aggressive today.  In a great display of offensive ball control and firepower, the 'Yotes posted the first victory of the Spring Season by a score of 5-3 over a sporty and feisty team that showed no quit and great hustle.

The Coyotes were on the attack from the opening whistle, immediately taking the ball downfield for the opening score.  Cole, Akil, and one of our newest players, Gavin all found the goal today, while the rest of the team showed great hustle and teamwork in the winning effort.

This coach was very impressed and pleased with the obvious progress that our kids made over the off season.  Everyone on the team got a foot on the ball today, were aggressive and attacked the ball, and played outstanding defense, keeping the other team off balance and playing "catch-up" from the very start.  Great job, Coyotes!  I am very proud of all of you!  (Can we get a Coyote Call here??)

Rebekah and Kendal jumped right into the pack today, showing no fear and made some great wins on the ball.  Nick and Jonas also got into the pack and challenged the other team for the ball several times, and made some great blocks on goal shots!  Let's keep up the good work, 'Yotes!  I am very proud of all of you! 

If Team Coyote continues to play like they did today, there is no doubt in my mind that every Coyote is going to put some balls in the net this season!  We will work on passing and controlling the ball more in practice.  If we can improve on those skills, we will be a team to reckon with every time we hit the field!

Again, GREAT job, Coyotes!  Keep up the good work!

Coach Art and Team Coyote Howl in Victory

Have you ever wondered what would happen of old Wiley Coyote ever caught the Road Runner?  Let's take a look at what happens:

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Pack is back!

Dateline:  Heartland Fields...

Residents around Heartland field are reporting a recent surge and increase in howling activity during early evening hours, and moonlit nights.  Metro Parks police were able to capture this video of the suspected culprit in the act.  It turns out that the howler is merely Coach Art of Team Coyote calling in the team:

Yes, it is Soccer Time once again!  Team Coyote has returned to the Heartland field complex, coming off a 5-4-1 season last Fall.  Coach Art and Coach Joseph would like to welcome back the team:

Rebekah. Kendall, Cole, Akil, Nick, and Jonas.

A special welcome to our two new Coyotes:

Gavin and Devin!  We are glad you are part of our team! 

Team Coyote had its first practice this past Saturday, and will practice on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 pm each week throughout the season once more.

I would like to re-emphasize a couple of my points on coaching the kids:

  Rule #1:  HAVE FUN!

 It is all about the kids having fun and learning the basic fundamentals of the game of soccer at this level.  I want the kids to learn to love the game, and if they are having fun, the chances of that happening increases.

If we can get the kids to learn how to dribble the ball, not use their hands, and to drive the ball towards the right goal at this level, we have been successful! 

Rule #2:  Good Sportsmanship!

It is my goal to help the kids learn to be good sports on the field, win or lose.  We will always shake hands with the opposing team after a game, and we will strive to be good sports during the game.  We can be competetive without gloating in victory or sulking in defeat!  Team Coyote was outstanding in this last fall!  Let's keep it up this Spring!

Again, Welcome back Coyotes!  Let's get out there, have fun, hustle and play tough!  It's Showtime!