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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Coyotes Play Well in Opening Season Loss

Team Coyote took to the fields on opening day full of hope and expectations, but ended up on the short end of a 4-0 game against a tough, well coached, seasoned team.

The game was actually closer than the final score indicated, with the Coyotes playing with plenty of heart and determination. Offensively, the 'Yotes had a total of 13 shots on goal, but just lacked the zip on the ball to get it passed the opposing goalie.  Defensively, after a tentative start, the Coyote goalies began to respond and had a total of 11 saves on goal.

The Coyotes took the opening kickoff and marched down field with the first opportunity at a shot on goal, which was blocked by the other goalie.  The other team rebounded and went downfield and got one past the Coyote goalie on the other end to go up 1-0.  That is the way the first quarter ended.

As the second quarter got underway, the other team battled a Coyote team that kept trying to find the goal, only to have all their shots blocked.  The other team added two more goals in the 2nd quarter to go up 3-0 at halftime.

Despite the heat of the day, the young Coyotes stiffened defensively in the second half, while continuing to pressure the other team by driving the ball downfield time after time but just coming up short on shots on goal.  Credit is due to the opposing goalies...they did a great job in keeping the Coyote shots out of the goal.  By the end of the 3rd quarter, with the Coyote defense stiffening, the score was 4-0, and that is where it would stay as the 'Yotes defense shut them out in the 4th quarter.

The 4th quarter saw Callie and Rebekah playing the Striker position continually breaking away and driving downfield taking shots...all of which were blocked or came up just short.  In the 4th period alone, Callie had 3 shots on goal and Rebekah had 3 as well.  Defensively, Matthew had 4 saves on goal in the goalie position in the 4th quarter alone!

All of the Coyotes played hard and deserve credit!

The Goalies
  •  Kendal        1 save
  •  Nick            3 saves
  •  Savannah    3 saves
  •  Matthew     4 saves

The Strikers (or Forwards)
  • Cole           3 shots on goal
  • Rebekah     4 shots on goal
  • Matthew     1 shot on goal
  • Callie          3 shots on goal
  • Savannah    1 shot on goal
  • Tyler           1 shot on goal

Jonas and Jack contributed in the Midfielder position by helping out the Strikers and the goalie. 

This coach is pleased with the effort of our team, and I see lots of positive points in our play.  I think we need to work on power kicks and the midfield defensive position, but I see lots of potential in our play.  I don't doubt we will be competive out there and give every team we play a run for the money.  So, despite the loss, yesterday's game was a learning experience for Team Coyote..and I think the team did quite well for the 1st time out at the U6 level against a well coached, tough, seasoned team.  Great job, Coyotes!  I am proud of you all!  We have plenty of room to improve, but we I think you all can hold your heads high!  You played hard, and you played well!

Here is the Gummibear Soccer song and video by request..enjoy!:

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