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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Coyotes Stroll to Victory!

Coach Joseph and Coach George took the helm as Coach Art was out of town last weekend, and the Coyotes continued with the momentum they had built up the week prior....and finally "strolled" to a victory!

The reports from Coaches Joseph and George indicated that the Coyotes came out loaded for bear, and took the ball up and down the field, scoring almost at will!  Cole had an outstanding offensive game, scoring on 8 trips to the other teams goal (the other team did not have a team name....or, at least Coach Joseph did not catch what it was if there was one).  Great job Cole!!!

Apparently, judging from the stats, they Coyotes took way more shots on goal than the other team...outshooting them 18 to 4!  Way to be aggressive Coyotes!
After all the games this season that the Coyotes just did not play up to par, and after all the losses...some by large margins...it feels good to finally put one in the "W" column!  And what is even more satisfying is the level of consistancy and aggressiveness displayed by the 'Yotes in the last two games!  At the risk of being overly optimistic...perhaps things are beginning to click for the team and some of the things we have been working on over and over in practice are starting to pay off.

As I write this blog, with tonights practice fresh in mind, I am beginning to see more "team" work in the Coyote's play...they are beginning to understand passing and power shots...and we will continue to work on those aspects each week.

Here are the stats from the game:

The Strikers:

Cole                           9 shots on goal; 8 goals
Rebekah                     3 shots on goal; 3 goals
Matt                           2 shots on goal; 1 goal; 2 assists
Callie                         2 shots on goal
Savannah                   1 assist
Tyler                          2 shots on goal; 1 goal

The Goalies:

Jack                         1 save
Matt                        1 save

Perhaps Coach Art needs to go out of town more often !?!  I am proud of the way the Coyotes played last week..and I thank Coaches Joseph and George for taking the helm and leading the kids to victory!  The final score....or, as Dave Walsh..the "Voice of the Wyoming Cowboys" (my Alma Mater) says...."The score...ohhhh...the score!..."  Coyotes 13  Maroon Team 2!

You might say the last couple of weeks the Coyotes have put up a couple of "Thrillers"......

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