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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Battle on the Heartland Prairie

Two very evenly matched teams took to the fields at the Heartland today...and two very evenly matched teams left the fields at the end of the game...still very much even. 

The Coyotes were in a Dog Fight today.  In a see-saw battle, which featured a couple of lead changes, some great defensive stands, and some incredible offensive plays on both sides of the ball, Team Coyote ended up with their first tie of the season.  The final score:  5-5.

I was pleased with the way our kids got out there and played today.  Everyone contributed to the team effort and played hard.  A coach can't ask much more than that. 

Kendal is getting more and more involved in the offense and the defense!  She is getting into the pack and challenging for the ball, making some great downfield kicks, and is making some good defensive blocks.  Keep up the good work, Kendal!

Nick found himself in the hunt for the ball several times today as well, and is also getting more involved on offense.  Couple that with his defensive skills, and it is becoming apparent that Nick is going to emerge as an all around player...soon.  Great job!

Logan was much improved today with keeping his arms down and doing less pushing while fighting for the ball.  That's what I like to see! He scored at least twice, and had several shots on goal that went just wide! 

Akil found the goal at least once today, and was very aggressive on the offensive side of the ball.  There was no quit to his hustle on the field, and he also made a couple of good step-ins to take the ball away from the other team when they were advancing down the field. 

Jack got involved in a couple of goal line stands, and made at least two blocks on shots on goal!  He also had a nice throw in that set up one of our goals.  He seems like he never tires, and gives it his all when he is on the field.  With time and patience, I can see him getting more involved in offense.  Keep it up, Jack!

Jonas had a couple of good throw-ins today as well, and even got involved in the pack on defense.  He made a good downfield kick to break out of the pack, and is becoming more aggressive on the field as well.  It is only a matter of time before he has a breakout game.

Cole showed his usual speed and ball control today.  He also made at least one goal, and had several shots on goal go wide, or be blocked.  On the defensive side of the ball, Cole stepped in a few times to take away the ball from an advancing player, and took the ball away from the other team a few times. 

And finally, Rebekah had a good game as well.  She had a couple of breakaways, and made a couple of good shots on goal that were blocked, but she did not give up, and kept after it.  Her confidence level is high, and she shows fearlessness out there on the field.  She doesn't back away from a challenge, has a good leg when she decides to kick it down field.

When the dust settled, Team Coyote emerged with a tie, bringing their season record to 3-2-1.  Good job Coyotes! 

Last week, I was out of town and left the Coyotes in the capable hands of Coach Joseph and Greg (Nick's dad).  Thanks again for stepping up to the plate in my absence, gentlemen.  I appreciate it.

Just because I was gone, however, does not mean that I wasn't involved in the game.  My wife kept me up to date via cell phone during the game, and Coach Joseph gave me a breakdown of the game later in the evening.  From what I heard, the 'Yotes were in another brawl, played hard, did not give up, followed through on the ball, played some awesom defense, and came out on the winning end!  I was so pleased, that I ate pheasant for dinner last Saturday night to celebrate!

It has been a busy week, and so I have fallen behind in my updating the blog.  For that, I apologize.  It looks like another busy week, as my oldest son is home on leave from the Air Force, and of course, I want to spend as much time with him as I can...so if I fall behind a little this week as well, I hope you all understand.

Every once in awhile, Coyotes (especially the Heartland Pack) are known to morph into human children.  Even though they appear to be human, they still display all the classic symptoms and mannerisms of their true nature:  They have a voracious appetite, get restless at night (especially during a full moon), love to "sing" and hunt, and just have the need to be wild and free.
As they say:  you can take the Dog out of the Wild, but you can never take the Wild out of the Dog!  For you parents, here is a typical display of how your Coyote will behave when he/she morphs into a human child.  Enjoy.

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