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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Coyotes Finish Season with a Bang!

Team Coyote ended the season today in an awesome display of teamwork and offense.  From the opening kickoff, to the final whistle, the Coyotes dominated and controlled the game.  The final score:  Coyotes 9 Green Team 4. 

The victory not only ended the season on a positive note, but propelled the 'Yotes to an overall winning record at 5-4-1.  Coyote Howl for a well done season!  Good job, Coyotes!  You played hard all season, and everyone showed remarkable progess throughout the season!  This Coach (and Coach Joseph) are proud of each and every one of you!

Kendal wasn't able to be at the game today due to illness, and we truly hope that she is feeling better!  I think that just knowing that her teamates played hard and played well will make her feel better.

Akil, Logan, Cole, and Rebekah all scored goals today to give the Coyotes the win.  But all the other players contributed to the victory as well.  Every one of the kids got a foot on the ball today, and they all played great defense! 

It seems that all those "passing drills" we practiced began to pay off, as the Coyotes were passing the ball to each other and setting up teamates for great shots on goal and plays on the ball.  Jack, Nick, and Jonas all had some good downfield kicks, and some great blocks and defensive moves to keep the other team out of the goal! 

The kids all said they had fun, which is what it is all about, and that makes me happy!  I wanted the team to have fun playing the game while they learned and progressed throughout the year. 

At the end of the game today, medals and awards were handed out to all the Coyotes for a job well done.  Here is a list of the awards and recipients:

Breakout Player of the Year...........Rebekah

Most Improved Offensive Player....Kendal

Defensive Award................................Nick

Attitude Award...................................Jack

Best Dribbler Award...........................Cole

The Fearless Award............................Logan

Hustle Award.......................................Akil

Fun Player Award...............................Jonas

Great Job Team Coyote!  You all played with pride and heart, showed great sportsmanship and teamwork, and each and every one of you showed great progress throught the season! 

Parents, thank you for allowing me the privledge and honor of coaching your kids.  I had as much fun as they did, and kind of sad (in a way) to see the season come to an end.  I think Team Coyote jelled well as a team, and I hope to see you all in the Spring! 

To close out for this season, here is a cute little video that I think you all will enjoy!  As far as this coach is concerned, YOU all are the Champions!!  Enjoy!

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