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Sunday, April 3, 2011

'Yotes Mount a Comeback Victory

Coyotes vs Pumas
It seems that whenever Team Coyote comes up against a team named after any type of cat, there is a rock 'em, sock' em, backyard brawl!  Last season, the Coyotes came up against a team called the Pumas, and after a tough fought dog fight, the 'Yotes came up on the losing end of a tight game by a score of 8-7.

Yesterday, the Coyotes came up against another feline team calling themselves the Tigers (even though they had silver and green uniforms...go figure!?!), and once again, a dog fight broke out!

The Tigers took early command of the game, and scored 2 goals in the first quarter, and another in the second quarter to take a 3-0 lead in the game.  The big cats also played some tough defense, frustrating the 'Yotes by breaking up any scoring opportunity and keeping them out of the goal. 

Nick and Devin display tough Coyote Defense
 At halftime, the Coyotes had their tongues hanging out, but their tails were still wagging.  Coach Art gave the team the "Let's get out there and win one for the Old Coyote" speech, encouraging them not to give up and to get more aggressive on offense while keeping up the pressure on defense.  Thanks to that Coyote defense, led by Nick and Devin running down field throughout the first half breaking up several breakaways by the Tigers and blocking several shots on goal, the team kept the Tigers from scoring any more goals, which would have made any comeback nearly impossible.  Good job Nick and Devin!

When the third quarter got started, the Coyotes came out like a Pack on a hunt!  Cole, Devin, and Akil began to start winning control of the ball, and breaking away and putting the rock in the net.  Meanwhile, Nick, Rebekah, and Jonas kept up the pressure on defense, keeping the Tigers out of the goal.  By the end of the quarter, the 'Yotes had fought back and peeled off 5 unanswered points to take the lead 5-3.

Tigers tried to Comeback
 But the Tigers weren't done either.  As the 4th quarter got underway, the Tigers tried to mount their own comeback, and managed to claw their way back to a 5-5 tie with literally one minute left in the game.

The Coyotes did a gut check, and played some tough defense, blocking the go ahead shot by one of the Tigers.  Cole caught the rebound on the blocked shot on the run and broke away.  There were merely seconds left in the game.  Cole got the ball down close to the Coyote goal, and the Tigers tried to steal the ball one more time, but the 'Yotes weren't having any of it....Cole regained control and took a shot....the ball sailed into the net, and the Coyotes were ahead once again, 6-5.

The teams hustled back to center field for the ensuing kickoff, but before the ball could be put back in play, the ref sounded the final whistle, and Team Coyote emerged battered, bruised, and tired...but... with the win, improving their overall season record to 3-0!  Great job Team!

Team Coyote celebrates the Comeback
 This coach could not be any more proud of our team!  They did not give up when it would have been easy to do so when they found themselves down 3-0 at halftime, but they fought back, kept up the pressure, and mounted one of the best comebacks I have ever seen at this level in coaching!  GREAT JOB COYOTES!!!!  You ALL played a great game and deserve a pat on the back (and an extra helping of roasted Sage Chicken for dinner)!

Team Coyote put on a clinic yesterday!  They displayed great poise as they mounted their big comeback over a feisty Tiger team.  Who knows?  One day, one or more of the players on our Coyote team might play for Team USA!  It could happen!  I found a little clip that I thought the kids might enjoy that shows some great soccer skills.  Keep it up Coyotes...one day..this could be YOU! 

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