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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Coyotes Get Ready to Rumble in Game #2

As game time for week #2 swiftly approaches, Team Coyote took to the practice fields last night and had a good workout. 

The team concentrated on power shots and midfield defense, as that seemed to be the biggest problem in the loss in week #1.  With the Coyotes taking some 13 shots on goal last week, and none of them finding the net, the problem was not a lack of offense, but a lack of zip on the ball when shot at goal. 

In last night's drills, the 'Yotes also practiced teamwork and passing.  It is a difficult concept to get through to younger kids, but the team seemed to be picking up the idea.  We will keep working on that throughout the season at every practice.

The young Coyotes eagerly took in last night's lessons as they prepared for the upcoming game.  Hopefully, that will translate into some passing and assists offensively along with more zip on the shots on goal, and stronger, stingier defense at the midfield position.

As I was preparing to write this blog, I came across an article on "Soccer Mom's"...being the best you can be.  Following is an excerpt from that article on what you, as parents, can do to help your young Coyote develop the skills that will make him/her a better soccer player:

Here is a true statement: Kids learn by doing.
Why is the US soccer program behind many other countries? Because kids in the other countries grow up with a soccer ball. They play it, live it, and breath it every day. Kids in the US grow up with - yes, you guessed it, a baseball. Perhaps a bit oversimplified but you get the picture.
It is critical that kids (and soccer moms ) get to play with a soccer ball as much as possible.
To Do List:
Buy a soccer ball . One soccer ball (minimum) is a REQUIREMENT around the house at all times. NOT AN OPTION! Read about how to buy a soccer ball.

Play soccer with him/her.  Just 10-20 minutes every other day of passing the ball back and forth and dribbling will greatly improve their ability to pass, receive, and control the ball - and you might become an all-star soccer mom!
Buy some orange practice cones so they can practice dribbling skills in the yard. If you can't afford the cones (4 for about $4), be a creative soccer mom and use whatever you have around the house to use as markers. The cones have a multitude of purposes. Use them to mark a boundary, as goal posts, or to make a square or circle. If you're short on ideas or just need fresh ones, there are many excellent books and videos for the soccer mom or parent that make great references.  Hint - the local "Wal-Mart" or similar store normally stocks these cones.
Make or buy a small soccer goal for the yard . This makes the fun factor go WAY up! Size doesn't matter .  As a soccer mom or dad you should do what makes sense for your situation and yard size. A soccer goal is often a kid magnet for the neighborhood, friends, and teammates. Have fun with it!

You can read the entire article here:  http://www.soccer-for-parents.com/soccer-mom.html

The site is full of good information!

A parent asked me last night what they could do to help prepare her Coyote for the upcoming game.  If you will just get out and play with the child for a few minutes between now and Saturday, having the child pass the ball to you and taking POWER shots at a goal you create...that would re-inforce what we did in practice last night and help the Coyote to develop into a better player.  There are tons of resources on the 'net full of information as well!

So, overall, a good practice last night...the hour flew by!  I wish we would have had another hour or so, but we prepared as much as possible with the alloted time.  See you all on Saturday...game time 11:00 am, Field #6....be there by 10:45 ready to go!


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