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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Coyotes Stroll to Victory!

Coach Joseph and Coach George took the helm as Coach Art was out of town last weekend, and the Coyotes continued with the momentum they had built up the week prior....and finally "strolled" to a victory!

The reports from Coaches Joseph and George indicated that the Coyotes came out loaded for bear, and took the ball up and down the field, scoring almost at will!  Cole had an outstanding offensive game, scoring on 8 trips to the other teams goal (the other team did not have a team name....or, at least Coach Joseph did not catch what it was if there was one).  Great job Cole!!!

Apparently, judging from the stats, they Coyotes took way more shots on goal than the other team...outshooting them 18 to 4!  Way to be aggressive Coyotes!
After all the games this season that the Coyotes just did not play up to par, and after all the losses...some by large margins...it feels good to finally put one in the "W" column!  And what is even more satisfying is the level of consistancy and aggressiveness displayed by the 'Yotes in the last two games!  At the risk of being overly optimistic...perhaps things are beginning to click for the team and some of the things we have been working on over and over in practice are starting to pay off.

As I write this blog, with tonights practice fresh in mind, I am beginning to see more "team" work in the Coyote's play...they are beginning to understand passing and power shots...and we will continue to work on those aspects each week.

Here are the stats from the game:

The Strikers:

Cole                           9 shots on goal; 8 goals
Rebekah                     3 shots on goal; 3 goals
Matt                           2 shots on goal; 1 goal; 2 assists
Callie                         2 shots on goal
Savannah                   1 assist
Tyler                          2 shots on goal; 1 goal

The Goalies:

Jack                         1 save
Matt                        1 save

Perhaps Coach Art needs to go out of town more often !?!  I am proud of the way the Coyotes played last week..and I thank Coaches Joseph and George for taking the helm and leading the kids to victory!  The final score....or, as Dave Walsh..the "Voice of the Wyoming Cowboys" (my Alma Mater) says...."The score...ohhhh...the score!..."  Coyotes 13  Maroon Team 2!

You might say the last couple of weeks the Coyotes have put up a couple of "Thrillers"......

Coyotes Get Mashed at the Monster Bash

A full month and a half before Halloween, the Coyotes took to the field against "The Monsters" in a game in which the team showed great improvement over the week before.

The Coyotes started slow, allowing the Monsters to score two unanswered goals in the 1st quarter, and 2 more unanswered goals in the 2nd quarter to find themselves down 4-0 at half.

But, as is sometimes the case, the score was not indicative of the way the Coyotes were playing.  The team was playing hard, and taking plenty of shots on goal...but just could not slip the ball past the Monster goalies.

The Coyotes began to find their pace in the second half, and returned the "favor" by shutting out the Monsters in the 3rd and 4th quarters.  In the 3rd quarter, Rebekah finally found the goal after breaking out of the pack and dribbling downfield and slipping one past the Monster defense and goalie.  At the end of the 3rd, the 'Yotes were down 4-1.  Rebekah's shot on goal was not the only shot the team took in the period..it was just the only one that got past the goalie.

As the 4th quarter got underway, the young Coyotes picked up where they left off by keeping the pressure on the Monsters and taking shots on goal.  With time running out, Matt took a great power shot that had the Monster goalie ducking, and the ball found the back of the net for the 'Yotes second and final goal of the game.  The final score would stand at Monsters 4 Coyotes 2.

Despite the loss (which dropped the season record to 0-4-1 at the halfway mark of the season), Coach Art was pleased with the effort of our kids.  They played hard...harder than the week before, and were being much much more aggressive on the field...taking many more shots on goal than the other team, but unfortunately coming up short on the scoring end.  The 'Yotes had nothing to be ashamed of...and this coach felt that if they could just maintain that level of effort, they could and would find themselves on the winning end of some games.  All season long, the problem has been a lack of aggressiveness and consistancy.  On Saturday, September 17th...the Coyotes were both aggressive AND consistant.  They played very well!   Good job 'Yotes!

Here are the totals:

The Strikers:

Cole                            3 shots on goal
Rebekah                      4 shots on goal; 1 goal
Matt                           11 shots on goal; 1 goal
Savannah                     6 shots on goal
                                  24 shots on goal   2 goals

The Goalies:

Cole                          1 Save
Kendal                      1 Save
Savannah                  6 Saves
Tyler                         1 Save
                                  9 saves

If you do the math, the Coyotes took way more shots on goal (24 to 9), but just could not get the ball into the nets...the Monsters were very fortunate to come out on the winning side with odds like that!

Overall....a GREAT game and effort by the Coyotes!  This coach is proud of the way they played on that Saturday morning two weeks ago!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tornados Blow Away Coyotes

On what was a beautful early fall day weatherwise, quickly turned into a storm on the fields at Heartland Saturday morning, as Team Tornado blew in and blew away Team Coyote. 

The 6 point loss dropped the Coyotes to 0-3-1 on the season, as the Coyotes came out flat footed and not playing very aggressively.  Last year, the Tornados shut out the Coyotes by a score of 12-0 (on a make up game where the Coyotes only had 4 players show up), this year, the Coyotes managed to score a few goals against a very good Tornado team.

The lack of aggressiveness resulted in the Coyotes allowing the Tornados way too many shots on goal, while the 'Yote offense was not reciprocating at the other end.  In the 1st period alone, Tyler had 13 saves on goal, but the Tornados still managed to get 3 shots into the net to take a 3-0 lead at the end of the first quarter.

Rebekah came to life in the 2nd quarter and scored her first goal of the season as she hustled down field dribbling and controlling the ball, taking a great shot and zipping past the tornado goalie. Rebekah played hard and hustled the entire game, and was attacking the ball more consistantly.  Great job Rebekah! The Tornados responded by adding 2 more goals of their own, as the half time score was Tornados 5, Coyotes 1.

The Coyotes continued to allow the Tornados way too many shots on goal in the third period, while the Tornados held the Coyotes scoreless again even though the Tornado coaches pulled back their better players and told them that they were not allowed to take shots unless they passed the ball first..which they did...resulting in 2 more scores to increase their lead over the 'Yotes to 7-1 by the end of the quarter.

The Coyotes showed sparks of life in the 4th quarter, as Cole and Callie began to combine for some great play!  First, Cole made a heads up pass to Callie in front of the Tornado goal, and Callie put the ball in the nets.  Later in the same period, Callie returned the favor, and found Cole open in front of the nets, passed him the ball, and Cole scored his first goal of the season!  Great job Cole and Callie!

The two goals by the Coyotes in the 4th quarter were answered by 2 more goals from the Tornados...and when the final whistle blew, the Coyotes were at the losing end of a 9-3 game.

If there were some kind of magic bullet to get the team to be more aggressive and consistant, I would love to know where it is!  The Coyotes have the potential and the talent...the problem is aggressiveness and consistancy.  Anyone with any suggestions to help in those areas, Coach Joseph and I are open and tuned in!

Here is how it broke down Saturday:

The Strikers:

Cole                             3 shots on goal, 1 assist, 1 goal
Rebekah                       3 shots on goal, 1 goal
Matt                             1 shot on goal
Callie                            3 shots on goal, 1 assist, 1 goal

The Goalies:

Jack                             1 save
Nick                             4 saves
Matt                             3 saves
Tyler                            13 saves

As you can see from the totals above, the Coyotes are giving up way too many shots on goal...which indicates a lack of offense and aggressiveness.  The Tornados managed to take at least 30 shots on goal compared to the Coyotes 10 shots!   It is hard if not impossible to come out on the winning end when you are being outshot on goal 3:1.

Oh well...back to the den to lick the wounds and prepare for next weeks matchup!  Perhaps we will come out more aggressive next week! 

Here is a link to a good video to teach how to pass the ball....


Friday, September 9, 2011

Team Coyote Pauses to Remember

On September 11, 2001, life as we know it changed forever in this Great Country.  We were ruthlessly attacked by radical Islamists who hijacked and flew civilian airliners into the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C.  Another airliner crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, as the passengers on board tried to re-take the plane from the terrorists who had hijacked it.  That plane never reached its target...which was probably the White House or the Capitol building in Washington.

While we gather to play soccer this weekend, let us pause for a moment and reflect on that day in September 10 years ago.  Let us never forget those who lost their lives on that day....whether innocent civilians, or the first responders who were attempting to rescue them.

Team Coyote pauses....and remembers.  God Bless the USA, and God bless and console all those who lost loved ones on that September morning ten years ago.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Coyotes Battle Rattle Snakes to a Tie

Team Coyote came out of the den yesterday with the hairs on their backs raised, ready to do battle with whomever took the field with them.  That somebody was a team called the Rattle Snakes.

Despite the gruelingly hot day, the 'Yotes took to the field running and hustling, going up and down the field keeping pressure on an evenly matched Rattler team. 

On what was a bogus call, the Rattlers drew first blood as the ref awarded them a goal...even though the Coyote goalie (Jack) not only stopped a shot, but had it picked up and was holding the ball.  The ref claimed that because he turned into the goal and crossed the goal with the ball (in his hands, no less), it counted as a goal, and the Snakes were up 1-0.

The Coyotes pinned their ears back and went on the attack, with Savannah dribbling downfield and taking a beautiful shot, leaving the Rattler goalie standing in his cleats to put the first goal of the season into the nets for the 'Yotes!  Great job, Savannah!  The first quarter came to an end, with the teams knotted up at 1-1.

As the 2nd quarter got underway, the young Coyotes kept up the pressure, aggressively taking shots on goal and winning the ball defensively from the Buzz Worms whenever they tried to attack the Coyote goal.

The Coyote Strikers managed to find the back of the Rattler goal twice more in the quarter to take a 3-1 lead into halftime.

As the third quarter got started, the 'Yotes began to show signs of tiring in the hot sun, and were held scoreless throughout the quarter, while the Rattlers cut into the slim lead by a goal.  Combine the heat of the day with the fact that the Coyotes were playing down three players, and it should be appreciated how well our kids hung in there and kept fighting.  The quarter ended with the 'Yotes holding on to a slim 3-2 lead.

The 4th quarter saw the Coyotes gain back the goal they had given up in the 3rd, but they just could not manage to hold on to that lead, as the Buzz Worms added two more goals of their own to tie the game with less than a minute to play, and that would be the final score:  4-4.

This coach is very proud and pleased with the efforts that our young Coyotes put out yesterday!  It appeared to me that some of the things we have been working on in practice were coming to light and producing results on the field.  Cole made a heads up pass to Savannah at one point, and Callie also passed the ball to Rebekah.  The 'Yotes were taking shots with more power and velocity on the ball, and the dribbling and ball control looked good!  Hats off to our Coyotes for a well played game!  The tie brought the season record to 0-2-1.....maybe next week we can chalk one up in the "W" column!  If the kids get out and play next week like they did yesterday, they definately have a fighting chance of doing just that.

Here is how it broke down:

The Strikers:

Cole                          3 shots on goal
Rebekah                    1 shot on goal
Matt                          4 shots on goal/  1goal
Callie                        1 shot on goal/  1 goal
Savannah                  7 shots on goal/  2 goals

The Goalies:

Jack                        3 saves
Cole                       7 saves
Callie                     1 save
Savannah               1 save

Great job, Coyotes!!  Also, Jack played very well in the Striker position, getting involved in the play and getting his foot on the ball!  It was good seeing him get aggressive...keep it up, Jack!  Kendal cleared the ball a couple of times from the midfield position, and was also getting more involved offensively in the Striker position!  Keep it up!  Savannah and Rebekah were putting on a clinic from the midfield position, constantly disrupting the Rattlers on any breakaway attempts, and Cole was on fire in the goal...frustrating the snakes 7 times by denying any goals while he was guarding the "house".

It seems to me that we are headed in the right direction!  We should all be proud of our young Coyotes...they battled against the heat, and no one complained when called on to get into the game as they had to play longer than usual since we were short handed.  Good job, 'Yotes!

A reminder:  Vanderbilt University is having an NYSA appreciation night this coming Friday night at the Vandy/MTSU womens soccer game.  The game begins at 7 pm, $5.00 per adult, kids FREE if they are wearing their team jerseys....

Also, don't forget that this coming Saturday (the 10th) is Picture day at the NYSA....our game is at 11 am...so we will need to be at the fields by 10 am for our team photos and individual photos.  I'll send out a reminder towards the end of the week.

Here is a short video demonstrating some great soccer skills....one day this could be YOU!  Enjoy: