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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Coyotes Get Mashed at the Monster Bash

A full month and a half before Halloween, the Coyotes took to the field against "The Monsters" in a game in which the team showed great improvement over the week before.

The Coyotes started slow, allowing the Monsters to score two unanswered goals in the 1st quarter, and 2 more unanswered goals in the 2nd quarter to find themselves down 4-0 at half.

But, as is sometimes the case, the score was not indicative of the way the Coyotes were playing.  The team was playing hard, and taking plenty of shots on goal...but just could not slip the ball past the Monster goalies.

The Coyotes began to find their pace in the second half, and returned the "favor" by shutting out the Monsters in the 3rd and 4th quarters.  In the 3rd quarter, Rebekah finally found the goal after breaking out of the pack and dribbling downfield and slipping one past the Monster defense and goalie.  At the end of the 3rd, the 'Yotes were down 4-1.  Rebekah's shot on goal was not the only shot the team took in the period..it was just the only one that got past the goalie.

As the 4th quarter got underway, the young Coyotes picked up where they left off by keeping the pressure on the Monsters and taking shots on goal.  With time running out, Matt took a great power shot that had the Monster goalie ducking, and the ball found the back of the net for the 'Yotes second and final goal of the game.  The final score would stand at Monsters 4 Coyotes 2.

Despite the loss (which dropped the season record to 0-4-1 at the halfway mark of the season), Coach Art was pleased with the effort of our kids.  They played hard...harder than the week before, and were being much much more aggressive on the field...taking many more shots on goal than the other team, but unfortunately coming up short on the scoring end.  The 'Yotes had nothing to be ashamed of...and this coach felt that if they could just maintain that level of effort, they could and would find themselves on the winning end of some games.  All season long, the problem has been a lack of aggressiveness and consistancy.  On Saturday, September 17th...the Coyotes were both aggressive AND consistant.  They played very well!   Good job 'Yotes!

Here are the totals:

The Strikers:

Cole                            3 shots on goal
Rebekah                      4 shots on goal; 1 goal
Matt                           11 shots on goal; 1 goal
Savannah                     6 shots on goal
                                  24 shots on goal   2 goals

The Goalies:

Cole                          1 Save
Kendal                      1 Save
Savannah                  6 Saves
Tyler                         1 Save
                                  9 saves

If you do the math, the Coyotes took way more shots on goal (24 to 9), but just could not get the ball into the nets...the Monsters were very fortunate to come out on the winning side with odds like that!

Overall....a GREAT game and effort by the Coyotes!  This coach is proud of the way they played on that Saturday morning two weeks ago!

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