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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Welcome Back Coyotes!

Welcome back, Team Coyote!  Coaches Art and Joseph have been recently seen sitting atop the hills overlooking Heartland fields, eagerly awaiting and calling for the return of the Coyotes to the playing fields.

This Spring, the team returns 6 Coyotes from last season and previous seasons:  Rebekah, Akil, Devon, Nick, Callie, and Matthew.  New to the Pack are Tyler, Brock, and Addison!  We are glad you are all on our team, and look forward to another fun sesaon of Coyote soccer.

As usual, the team rules are very simple:  Have FUN!, be GOOD SPORTS (Coyotes as well as parents), and do NOT confuse the old Coyote!

For you new Coyote parents,as well as you returning parents, let me assure you that YOUR child's safety and security is always  first and foremost in my mind.  We will NEVER post a child's full name on the blog or the web.  And, when I email you, I use the BCC feature to protect YOUR
privacy as well.  If you want to give your email address out to others, that is your business, not mine.

My philosophy of coaching at this level is very simple....first and foremost, I want the kids to have fun.  I also want to teach them the basics of the game and help prepare them to move up to the upper leagues.  I stress good sportsmanship and fair play, and try to instill the teamwork concept in their young minds.  We are a TEAM...and I try to teach the kids to play as such.

Coach Joseph (see photo at the left) and I also try to keep accurate stats on all the games.  This is a "Rec" league, and scores are not officially kept...however....the KIDS all know the score, and I like to keep the stats to help me to decide what position a child best plays at.  Each team member will play ALL positions throughout the season, so that they will be exposed to each position of the game.

Last season (Fall), the young Coyotes experienced a tough season.  It was the first season for them at the U6 level, and we were one of the newest teams at that level.  We played several "seasoned" teams last Fall....and we played hard and well.  It was a learning experience for Team Coyote, and hopefully, those lessons will be carried over this Spring season as the now experienced Coyotes take to the fields.

Coach Art (seen in the photo at right) has been on the hunt in the offseason, and is ready to rumble.  I hope that you all have fun and enjoy being part of Team Coyote!  Feel free to comment to any post on the blog (of course, I do retain "editing" rights).  I try to keep the blog updated at least once a week during the season, and will always notify you via email when it has been updated. 

Our first practice of the new Spring Season will be held this coming Saturday at 2 pm...and Coach Joseph and I look forward to meeting all our new players and parents, and welcoming back our returning players and parents!  


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