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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Aggressive Coyotes End Slump

Team Coyote ended the long slump on Saturday morning beating the Warriors by a score of 4-3.  The team was much much more aggressive on the field yesterday, going after the ball, attacking it, and keeping offensive pressure on the opposing team all morning long.  It appears that the offensive drills that we practiced the last couple of weeks paid off.   The Coyote strikers drove the ball downfield and were taking plenty of shots on goal, and the defense also did a great job attacking the ball, breaking up Warrior drives, and stopping most of their shots on goal.

The Coyotes scored first in an evenly matched game before the Warriors tied the score with a goal of their own.  Just before the end of the period, the Coyote strikers found the back of the nets one more time to take a 2-1 lead.

Both teams battled hard in an action packed 2nd quarter, but neither team could manage to score.  The two defenses bent, but did not break as the goalies and midfielders did a great job on both teams keeping the ball out of the goal despite several shots on goal by both teams.  The half ended with the Coyotes holding on to a tenuous 1 point lead.

The Third period saw the Warriors score two goals to take a lead over the Yotes, but the Coyotes answered with a goal of their own to tie the game at 3-3 by the end of the quarter.

In the fourth quarter, the Coyote defense again stood up and blocked every shot on goal taken by a feisty Warrior team, and finally Devin broke away, dribbled the ball down field and scored, putting the Coyotes up by 1 with just a couple minutes to go.  The Coyotes held on...and when the final whistle blew, the Coyotes chalked up victory #2 to move their season record to 2-4.

Last week, the game with the Tornados was rained out, and the make-up game will take place on Wednesday night.  The Tornado team is aptly named...they are tough, fast, disciplined and aggressive.  If the Coyotes come out Wednesday being aggressive like they were yesterday, there is no doubt in my mind that we can not only give the Tornados all they can handle, but we stand a good chance of taking away another win!

Great job yesterday Coyotes!  Keep it up...stay aggressive, attack the ball, and don't quit!  Keep up the offensive pressure and the great defensive work as well!  I see no reason that we cannot win a few more games before it is all said and done if we continue to play like we did yesterday!  Coach Joseph and myself are proud of the way ALL of you played yesterday! 

Here are the stats for yesterdays game:

The Strikers

Akil.....................................3 shots on goal, 1 goal
Kendrick.............................3 shots on goal, 1 goal, 1 assist
Matt....................................4 shots on goal, 1 goal
Devin..................................2 shots on goal, 1 goal
Rebekah..............................1 shot on goal


Devin..................................3 tackles
Rebekah.............................4 tackles
Kendrick............................4 tackles
Nick...................................6 tackles


Akil...................................4 saves 
Nick..................................5 saves
Tyler..................................3 saves

Although the stats don't reflect it, Brock and Callie also contributed to the team effort yesterday from their Striker positions!  They were both attacking the ball, dribbling down field, but just could not get in close enough to take a shot on goal...but their efforts truly helped keep offensive pressure on the Warriors!  Great job!

Keep  it up, 'Yotes...let's look to try to improve each and every time we hit the field for the rest of the season!  One day, this could be YOU!


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