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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Coyotes Drop One, Win One

Last Friday night saw severe storms hit the Middle Tennessee area, dumping lots of rain and dropping the temperatures into the low 50's by Saturday morning.  As a result, the NYSA cancelled all games for last Saturday.

The make up game was scheduled and played on Thursday night against a very good Sharks team.  The Coyotes were shorthanded, with only 4 players showing up:  Rebekah, Kendal, Gavin, and Nick.  Hats off to these Coyotes....they were called on to have to play the whole game, and did so with enthusiasm.

The Sharks were also short handed, but they had 6 players show up, so they were able to do some subbing, keeping their players relatively fresh throughout the game.

Team Coyote struggled from the outset with the Sharks, and fell behind almost immediately.  They just did not have an answer to stop the Shark attack, and the big fish had the Coyotes out of their element as they ran (or swam) up and down the field scoring at will.  The Coyotes had 3 or 4 shots on goal that went wide, but the ball never found the net for the 'Yotes all through the game.  When the final whistle blew, the Coyotes were on the losing end of a thrashing:  12-0.  You might say it was "Coyote Ugly", as the 'Yotes would have chewed off their own paws to escape the trap that the Sharks had laid out for them!

The loss dropped the Coyotes to a season record of 3-2 at the midway point of the season.

But, typical of the Coyotes, they did not stay down long.  They went home, licked their wounds, and came out snapping and yapping today as they faced another good team.  This time, however, the 'Yotes were at full strength, and they were all over the Gold and Black team like a pack of coyotes on a deer hunt.

With the hairs raised on their backs, the Coyotes took the opening kickoff today and immediatley scored.  That set the tone in the game, as the Team refused to relinquish the lead as they jumped out to a 3-0 score in the first quarter.

As the second quarter got underway, the Coyotes kept up the attack, and scored another goal before the Gold team could finally find the goal.
Gavin took control of the ball, dribbling downfield and scoring, breaking through the pack several times.  He received the benefit of some great passing from Cole and Nick as he put the ball into the net.  At halftime, the 'Yotes were up 4-1.

The second half started off with the Gold team threatening a comeback, as they scored quickly, closing the gap.  But the Coyotes were having none of it....they scored 2 more goals to pad the lead going into the 4th quarter.

The Gold team wasn't done....you have to give them credit....they kept fighting back, and got within 2 points of the Coyotes by the time the final whistle blew.  Team Coyote emerged victorious by a 6-4 score, to improve their overall season record to 4-2 on the year.  Great job Coyotes!

I was pleased to see some great defense and downfield kicks from Nick, Kendal, Rebekah and Jonas.  Akil and Devin showed great speed in breaking downfield on defense and breaking up several goal shots taken by the other team, while Gavin and Cole provided the offensive fireworks, scoring goals and providing some good assists and passes.

Keep up the good work Coyotes!  I see great improvement overall in our play, and there is no doubt in my mind that we can play with any U5 team out there!  Enjoy the following video....keep working on your skills, and one day, YOU will be doing this:


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