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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Overheated Coyotes Suffer First Loss

Team Coyote Smiles for the Camera
On a day that started out partly cloudy but warm, the Coyotes assembled for the team and individual photos. The 'Yotes had their tails all combed out and groomed, their canine teeth polished and gleeming in the Spring sunlight, and their coats brushed out and clean as they smiled and howled at the camera.  It was a sight to behold!

But Coach, it's too HOT!
But by the time the team photos were done and game time approached, the sun broke through the clouds and quickly heated up the fields....and the Coyotes.
With temperatures climbing into the high 80's by game time, the "Get up and go" of the team seem to have "got up and left" as the team seemed sluggish and slow as the game got under way.

The Coyotes kicked off, and scored the first goal of the game, but the opposing team quickly answered with a goal of their own.  Again, the Coyotes took the next kick off and scored, but that would be the last time they would see the lead in the game.

The 'Yotes seemed tired and sluggish and were lacking the usual enthusiasm and fire that they typically display on the field, both offensively and defensively.  Meanwhile, the other team seemed fresh and full of energy as they steadily worked both sides of the ball, and slowly built up an insurmountable lead that the Coyotes could not overcome. 

This guy is FAST!
 The Coyotes kept within range of a comeback the entire first quarter, but by halftime, their tongues were hanging out, their tails drooping, and their ears were sagging along with their spirits.  By the end of the 3rd quarter, the other team had begun to pull away for good, as they marched up and down the field scoring at will.  The Coyotes seemed incapable of stopping the attack, and even seemed a bit intimidated  and didn't want to challenge the other team for the ball.  The result was the 1st lost of season (losing by a score of 7-3) for the 'Yotes, as they dropped their season record to 3-1.

After the game, Coach Art took the game ball in for some closer scrutiny, as the ball just did not seem to bounce the right way for Team Coyote yesterday.  It just seemed odd that the ball could not find it's way into the goal for the 'Yotes, while just about every shot the other team took (a couple from about mid-field) seemed to find the net.  After analysis, the Soccer Doc and Coach Art came to the conclusion that the only thing wrong with the ball yesterday was that it was not finding the goal for the Coyotes....or, the Coyotes were not finding the goal for the ball.

But, this coach knows that you can't win them all, and there are going to be days like yesterday.  Now, we just need to regroup, and come out next week like our old regular selves, and we will be fine!  No need in crying over spilled milk...instead, it is time to lick our wounds and heal up....next week is another game, and another chance and opportunity for Team Coyote to play up to their potential.  We shall return!

We will work on some things in practice this week to try to get our aggressiveness back and our heads on straight again. 

One other observation...not an excuse...just an observation:  We had a ref yesterday that seemed a little whistle happy, and seemed to penalize Team Coyote for some things (like throwing the ball in) that the ref apparently thought that the kids should have had mastered at this age level, which I thought was a little unreasonable.  As often as he stopped the game and took the ball away from the Coyotes, it seemed that that took away any momentum the team was trying to build.  Again, not an excuse.  Just an observation.

Enough.  It is what it is.  Tomorrow is another day, and next Saturday is another game!  Until then, enjoy Wiley E. Coyote (Super Genius) and Bugs Bunny...that waskily wabbit!

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