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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Coyotes Feast on Ducks

Team Coyote ended the Spring season against Team Ducks on Saturday at Heartland fields. You might say they ended it with a "bang", as the Coyotes looked like they were on a duck hunt, and were taking no prisoners!

The game started out even enough, with both teams exchanging goals throughout the first quarter.  But, by the end of the 1st quarter, the 'Yotes were up by one, 3-2.  As the second quarter got underway, the Coyotes began to find their stride and started to dominate the Ducks offensively and defensively, building on their slim lead to go up by 5 at halftime, 7-2.

Several Coyotes found the nets in the first half:  Rebekah, Cole, Gavin and Akil all put the rock in the goal for Team Coyote as the team began to dominate the Ducks. 

It was the final game of the season, and the Coyotes were hungry for a win, after suffering 4 straight losses.  The Coyotes looked sharp and fresh as they ran up and down the field, keeping the Ducks having to play "catch up", and frustrating the Ducks by blocking shots and challenging and winning the ball on several occasions.

The second half saw the Coyotes pull away from the hapless Ducks, as the 'Yotes were having their way with the ball, the tempo of the game, and the defensive effort to stop any attempts by the Ducks to make a comeback. Devin joined the list of Coyotes finding the goal in the second half, while Nick and Jonas provided a defensive wall for the team throughout the game.  The Coyotes were demonstrating offensive as well as defensive fireworks as they feasted on Roast Duck....a proper fare for the end of the season dinner.

By the time the final whistle blew, the Coyotes were on top of a huge victory by a score of 11-4, evening their overall season record to 5-5.  Overall (in two seasons...Fall and Spring), the U-5 Team Coyote has amassed a record of 10-9-1.  Not bad...considering this was really the first year most of the team had even played soccer!  I see plenty of room for improvement, and am confident that the Coyotes will continue to advance, learn, and have fun in the U-6 level in the Fall!

And so, another season has come and gone.  This coach is proud of the kids and the way they all played this season.  There was remarkable and noticeable improvement in ALL the kids from last season to this season, and during the season as well. 

As Team Coyote heads back to the den to feast on duck and rest up, they will return in the Fall back to Heartland field as U-6'ers....and will step up, once again, to the challenge...the game...and the fun!  Great job, Coyotes!  This coach is VERY proud of each and everyone of you...and I look forward to coaching you again in the Fall.  Have fun over the summer...stay safe...and keep working on those soccer skills....August will be here before you know it!

It is fitting to replay the last video from last year...because this team IS the Champions....I am honored and happy to have had another opportunity to coach them.  Coyotes...YOU ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Coyotes Looking to End Season with Win

As the final game of the Spring Season approaches on this coming Saturday morning, Team Coyote is back at the den, scratching fleas, chewing on antelope bones, and wondering what it will take to end the season with a win.  After suffering 4 losses in a row, the Coyotes are reeling, and hungry to get that elusive final victory for the season.  A win on Saturday will give the 'Yotes an even Season Record at 5-5....a loss ends the Season for the Team at 4-6.

Last weekend, on a cold, overcast day, the Coyotes were once again shorthanded on players, with only 5 Coyotes able to play.  That resulted in the team getting tired out by halftime, with no substitutes to step in and keep everyone fresh. 

Despite being shorthanded, the Coyotes held their own for the better part of the 1st half, and found themselves down by 2 at halftime.  But as the 2nd half got underway, the other team (who was again at full strength and fresh) put the icing on the cake and began to totally dominate the Coyotes, pulling away for a 10-4 victory, as the Coyotes "ran out of gas" and tired out from running up and down the field.

Not all was bad, however, as each Coyote contributed to the effort and played well.  Rebekah had 2 goals in the first half, with Kendal and Akil also finding the net for the 'Yotes. 

On the defensive side of the ball, Nick blocked several shots on goal and broke up some passes and breakaways by the other team.  Jonas also got into the mix and had some good blocks and kicks downfield.  So, despite the loss, the kids played hard and they played well.  They were merely outnumbered and tired out.  If we had been at full strength, I think the outcome would have been much different...or at least much closer.

The Team had a practice last night in the cold, and got to start learning about being a Goalie, which is a position that will be added next season at the U-6 level.  It also gave the kids an opportunity to work on power kicks on goal, to get the ball past that goalie.  Typical of the team,
the kids caught on fast!  They should not have any problem transitioning
to the next level.

Saturday will bring the last game of the Spring Season, and the weather looks like it might be halfway decent....at least according to the forecast I saw this morning....  The Coyotes are hungry for a win, and I am sure they will come out and play hard.  But no matter what...win or lose, the Coyotes can be proud of themselves, as everyone on the team progressed and developed over the past year.  The contrast between last Fall and this Spring was phenomenal.  And as this Spring went on, each of the kids developed a bit more and learned a bit more (as did the Coach).

Until Saturday, the Coyotes will hang around the den, chewing on antelope and rabbit bones, drinking cactus juice, and scratching fleas....but come Saturday morning, I think we can expect our Coyotes to come out yapping and snapping.....chasing down the final victory!

Go Coyotes!!!!

Here is a good video on how to properly kick the soccer ball:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Coyotes Hit Late Season Slump

COACH'S NOTE:  I apologize for not being able to keep up with the blog, but I have been extremely busy the past couple of weeks with meetings, classes, and other things.  That in no way implys that I have "given up" on doing the blog....it just may be a bit slower in getting done until I can get caught up.  I apologize to those of you who look forward to reading the posts.  Now...on with the blog:

As the Spring season draws nearer to a close, Team Coyote has suffered two more losses...in a row...bringing their overall record to an even 4-4. 

Two weeks ago, Team Coyote suffered the worst loss of the season, falling to a very good team that was aggressive from the outset.  Combine that with the fact that the Coyotes were missing 3 of their players until halftime, and that resulted in the other team being able to run up the score on the 'Yotes, making it all but improbable, but not impossible, for the team to make a come back.

As the second half of the game got underway, the Coyotes came to life (with the arrival and addition of the missing players), and peeled off 5 unanswered goals in the 3rd quarter.  That narrowed the gap, but the Coyotes were still down by at least 7 goals at the end of the Third.  You have to give the Team credit for making a comeback, and not giving up.  The effort was there...but we fell behind too much too early, and just needed about one more quarter, and I think we might have been able to pull out a big upset come-from-behind win!

As the 4th Quarter got started, the Coyotes kept up the comeback attempt, scoring at least 3 more goals, but the other team wasn't done either, scoring a couple more of their own.
By the time the final whistle blew, the Coyotes found themselves on the
losing end of a good old fashioned behind the woodshed whooping!

I am not sure what the exact final score was, but it was Coyote Ugly...I am guessing at least 15-7.

Last weekend, the Big Coyote had a class to attend, and so the team was left in the capable hands of Coaches Joseph and Jens.  I am told that the Coyotes played hard and tough, but once again came up on the short end in another hard fought game, losing by a score of 6-4.  Though the loss is disappointing, this coach is still proud of the team effort and the fortitude with which the 'Yotes are displaying on the field.  They don't give up and quit when they fall behind, and you can always count on the Team to keep trying.  That is a commendable trait of our team! 

When you coach soccer, you expect that some days are going to be days that your team shines and looks unbeatable...when the ball bounces your way all day, and every shot you take on goal seems to find its way to the nets.  Then, there are those days when just the opposite is true...for one reason or another, the team doesn't play up to their potential, the ball bounces the wrong way, and try as you may, the ball just will not go into the goal!  But, like the Coyotes, this Coach doesn't know the meaning of the word "surrender".  When you lose a game (or two), you pick up the pieces and regroup, try to touch on some of the problem areas in practice, and get out there and do it again the next week.

That is precisely what Team Coyote will do this coming weekend:  Regroup and come out fighting.  Last night, we had a good practice and scrimmage.  The kids worked on some passing drills and looked aggressive on offense AND on defense.  If we can carry that over into the game on Saturday, I think you can look for the 'Yotes to get back on the winning track.!

We only have 2 games left this Spring season...and only one more practice after this week.  Next week at practice, I hope we can get enough of the team to show up so we can practice on a U-6 field, since Team Coyote will be graduating from U-5 and will be entering the U-6 level in the Fall. 

The big difference in U-6 vs U-5 is that U-6 has goalies, and the Coaches cannot be on the field with the players during the game.  So, it is necessary to really concentrate on passing, defense, and positions, which is what we will try to work on next week in practice. 

A final word in closing:  Don't give up, Coyotes!  We can still pull out a winning season.  No matter what, play hard, play tough, and HAVE FUN!  Until Saturday.......here are some soccer drills the Coyotes might want to begin practicing: