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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Coyotes Feast on Ducks

Team Coyote ended the Spring season against Team Ducks on Saturday at Heartland fields. You might say they ended it with a "bang", as the Coyotes looked like they were on a duck hunt, and were taking no prisoners!

The game started out even enough, with both teams exchanging goals throughout the first quarter.  But, by the end of the 1st quarter, the 'Yotes were up by one, 3-2.  As the second quarter got underway, the Coyotes began to find their stride and started to dominate the Ducks offensively and defensively, building on their slim lead to go up by 5 at halftime, 7-2.

Several Coyotes found the nets in the first half:  Rebekah, Cole, Gavin and Akil all put the rock in the goal for Team Coyote as the team began to dominate the Ducks. 

It was the final game of the season, and the Coyotes were hungry for a win, after suffering 4 straight losses.  The Coyotes looked sharp and fresh as they ran up and down the field, keeping the Ducks having to play "catch up", and frustrating the Ducks by blocking shots and challenging and winning the ball on several occasions.

The second half saw the Coyotes pull away from the hapless Ducks, as the 'Yotes were having their way with the ball, the tempo of the game, and the defensive effort to stop any attempts by the Ducks to make a comeback. Devin joined the list of Coyotes finding the goal in the second half, while Nick and Jonas provided a defensive wall for the team throughout the game.  The Coyotes were demonstrating offensive as well as defensive fireworks as they feasted on Roast Duck....a proper fare for the end of the season dinner.

By the time the final whistle blew, the Coyotes were on top of a huge victory by a score of 11-4, evening their overall season record to 5-5.  Overall (in two seasons...Fall and Spring), the U-5 Team Coyote has amassed a record of 10-9-1.  Not bad...considering this was really the first year most of the team had even played soccer!  I see plenty of room for improvement, and am confident that the Coyotes will continue to advance, learn, and have fun in the U-6 level in the Fall!

And so, another season has come and gone.  This coach is proud of the kids and the way they all played this season.  There was remarkable and noticeable improvement in ALL the kids from last season to this season, and during the season as well. 

As Team Coyote heads back to the den to feast on duck and rest up, they will return in the Fall back to Heartland field as U-6'ers....and will step up, once again, to the challenge...the game...and the fun!  Great job, Coyotes!  This coach is VERY proud of each and everyone of you...and I look forward to coaching you again in the Fall.  Have fun over the summer...stay safe...and keep working on those soccer skills....August will be here before you know it!

It is fitting to replay the last video from last year...because this team IS the Champions....I am honored and happy to have had another opportunity to coach them.  Coyotes...YOU ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!!

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