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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Coyotes Looking to End Season with Win

As the final game of the Spring Season approaches on this coming Saturday morning, Team Coyote is back at the den, scratching fleas, chewing on antelope bones, and wondering what it will take to end the season with a win.  After suffering 4 losses in a row, the Coyotes are reeling, and hungry to get that elusive final victory for the season.  A win on Saturday will give the 'Yotes an even Season Record at 5-5....a loss ends the Season for the Team at 4-6.

Last weekend, on a cold, overcast day, the Coyotes were once again shorthanded on players, with only 5 Coyotes able to play.  That resulted in the team getting tired out by halftime, with no substitutes to step in and keep everyone fresh. 

Despite being shorthanded, the Coyotes held their own for the better part of the 1st half, and found themselves down by 2 at halftime.  But as the 2nd half got underway, the other team (who was again at full strength and fresh) put the icing on the cake and began to totally dominate the Coyotes, pulling away for a 10-4 victory, as the Coyotes "ran out of gas" and tired out from running up and down the field.

Not all was bad, however, as each Coyote contributed to the effort and played well.  Rebekah had 2 goals in the first half, with Kendal and Akil also finding the net for the 'Yotes. 

On the defensive side of the ball, Nick blocked several shots on goal and broke up some passes and breakaways by the other team.  Jonas also got into the mix and had some good blocks and kicks downfield.  So, despite the loss, the kids played hard and they played well.  They were merely outnumbered and tired out.  If we had been at full strength, I think the outcome would have been much different...or at least much closer.

The Team had a practice last night in the cold, and got to start learning about being a Goalie, which is a position that will be added next season at the U-6 level.  It also gave the kids an opportunity to work on power kicks on goal, to get the ball past that goalie.  Typical of the team,
the kids caught on fast!  They should not have any problem transitioning
to the next level.

Saturday will bring the last game of the Spring Season, and the weather looks like it might be halfway decent....at least according to the forecast I saw this morning....  The Coyotes are hungry for a win, and I am sure they will come out and play hard.  But no matter what...win or lose, the Coyotes can be proud of themselves, as everyone on the team progressed and developed over the past year.  The contrast between last Fall and this Spring was phenomenal.  And as this Spring went on, each of the kids developed a bit more and learned a bit more (as did the Coach).

Until Saturday, the Coyotes will hang around the den, chewing on antelope and rabbit bones, drinking cactus juice, and scratching fleas....but come Saturday morning, I think we can expect our Coyotes to come out yapping and snapping.....chasing down the final victory!

Go Coyotes!!!!

Here is a good video on how to properly kick the soccer ball:

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