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Monday, August 23, 2010

Coyotes on the Prowl

The first game of the season was played this past Saturday, and I was quite pleased with the performance of our kids!  They got down early, but did not quit or give up.  Like a true pack of coyotes, they kept on the prowl, and made a spectacular comeback in the 2nd half of the game.

Nick was the first Coyote to put a goal on the board (Coyote Howl for Nick).  The other team was penalized for a "hand ball" in the goalie box, and Rebekah was called upon to deliver the penalty kick.  Her kicked was blocked, but again, the other team picked up the ball and the Coyotes were awarded another penalty kick.  This time, Nick was called upon to deliver the kick for Team Coyote.  He reared back, and let loose with a beautiful kick to the corner of the goal, scoring the first goal of the season.

The first half came to a close, with the Coyotes trailing by 6 goals (7-1).  The second half began with Kendal, Rebekah, Cole, and Akil taking the field.  It was midway through the 3rd quarter when Cole found his stride and began to challenge the other team and win the ball.  Then, he took control and dribbled downfield and began scoring unanswered goals (Coyote Howl for Cole).

Akil joined in by winning the ball dribbling downfield, and scoring 2 or three more goals in the fourth quarter (Coyote Howl for Akil).  When the dust had settled, and the final whistle blew, the Coyotes emerged on top by 2 (by my count...and when you are the Big Coyote, your count is the one that matters, afterall 8-) ).

Although they did not score any goals, a big Coyote Howl goes out to the rest of Team Coyote..Rebekah, Kendal, Jonas, and Jack.  Each player contributed to the effort by challenging for the ball, passing the ball , and doing some great throw-ins! 

A note of significance:  I was informed today that we have a new Coyote on the team.  Let's give a Coyote Howl and a welcome to our newest player, Logan!  We are glad that you are on our team!

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