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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pack Drills for the Den

I think we had a good practice tonight.  It was great to see Jack get his foot on the ball and dribble, challenge, and shoot!  The drills we did tonight were designed to get the kids to learn to follow coaching commands, to begin learning some ball control, and to start learning to challenge for the ball.

I think the kids did a great job in all of those aspects!  Just remember, Coyotes, when the other team has the ball, and are dribbling down the field, step in front of them, challenge them, and win the ball so YOU can dribble down the field to YOUR goal and score.  Great job tonight.  Give yourselves a Coyote Howl for your effort.

Parents, one of the things that keeps a Coyote quick and nimble in the wilds is LOTS of practice! Here are a couple of drills that we worked on tonight in practice that you can do with your young Coyote around the den...er...let's clarify that: OUTSIDE of the den this week.

The more they practice, the better and faster their skills will develop.

Turn Around

Have the Coyote dribble the ball down the field. The parent yells "Stop!". The Coyote stops (with the ball), and the parent says "Turn around". The player turns around and runs down the field the opposite direction with the ball until the parent yells "Stop! Turn around!". Repeat as long as you can keep the child focused on the task. This teaches the player to listen to coaching commands and "turn it around" to go the right way in a game situation.

Simon Says

Everyone knows how to play this simple game, which is easily translated into a soccer exercise. The first time you play Simon Says, do it without a soccer ball. Call out simple, but crazy and fun commands such as "Stand up! Sit down! Stand on one leg! Yelp like a Coyote! Louder! etc., mixing them up with ones that "Simon says" and others that don't.

Once the coyotes get the hang of it, play the game with a ball. Now you can use commands like "dribble your ball, dribble slow, dribble fast, stop the ball with your feet (or knee or forehead etc) Get creative and have fun!

As the season progresses, I will post more drills and games to help the kids develop skills and learn the fundamentals of the game.

Again, great job tonight in practice! 

Go Coyotes!

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