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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pack Attack!


Who let the dogs out? 
Team Coyote came to play today, and brought the "A" game.  In contrast to last week, when the Coyotes got off to a slow start, today they came out like a pack of hungry Coyotes, ready for action!

Cole took the opening kickoff and immediately dribbled downfield and scored, and the Coyotes were off and running.  Literally.  Up and down the field.  They didn't let up until the final whistle blew.  Needless to say, this coach is proud of the team.

It was a performance that featured teamwork, with all Coyotes delivering when called upon, in any task asked of them.  Everyone should be proud of themselves tonight.  You played Great!

Along with Cole, Akil and Logan also put the ball in the net today.  And, not to be outdone, Rebekah scored her first goal of the season!  Way to go Coyotes!  (Coyote Howl)

Nick, Jack, and Kendal did some beautiful throw-ins to set up several goals, and Kendal and Nick had a couple of solid corner kicks, putting the ball in scoring position for the Pack. 

Every Coyote on the team got their foot on the ball today, challenged for the ball, and played some Coyote Tough defense, keeping the other team out of the goal.  The result:  Coyotes 10 Purple Guys 6.  (BIG Coyote Howl ).

Some things we can work on:

 I could sense at times (and this Coyote has honed senses) a little frustration coming from a couple of players when the other team won the ball in a challenge, and took the ball away from one of our guys.  That is going to happen, Coyotes!  Don't get discouraged and frustrated when someone takes the ball away from you and perhaps even dribbles down and scores on you.  It is ok!  Just jump right back in there and keep on playing hard (which you all did!).  If you let your frustrations get to you, the other team is going to capitalize and turn the momentum to their side. 

There were a couple of times, in the heat of battle, that we tended to use our arms and push a little.  Remember, Coyotes....we need to keep our hands and arms to ourselves.  You can challenge for the ball using your body and feet, but not your arms.  We don't want to accidently get someone hurt, or get ourselves hurt by being pushed down.  Overall, though, our guys just played good, solid, Coyote Tough defense.  Good Job!

Other Notes

Jonas was unable to be with the team today, as he was out of town.  We missed him and look forward to his return next Saturday.  Akil will be out of town next week, and we will surely miss him too. 

Don't forget that next week is Picture day!  We will need to show up an hour before our game next week to get our Team Photo made.  I will remind you at practice this week, and again by email later in the week.  If you are going to be out of town, or cannot be here, please let me know.  They will have a "make up" photo day (probably the week after), and your Coyote can get his picture taken then.  I am told that they can Photo Shop the make-up photos into the Team Photo, so no one will be left out of the Team Photo.  So, be sure to brush your teeth good next Saturday morning, Coyotes!  We want to show our fangs to the photographer when we all smile and howl!

One more time:  Coyote Howl for the great team effort and performance today!  You guys played GREAT!  I am very proud of all of you!

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